Welcome to Woven Narratives…

a space especially for women who want to

live a fulfilling second half of life.

This is a space for conversation, connection and creativity.

A space to look a little deeper.

To consider what’s working and what’s not,

to decide what you want and what you really don’t,

to explore who you are, and who you aren’t


Together we find things.

Clarity. Purpose. Healing. Power. Truth. Ourselves.

Together we unravel the stories we tell (and have been told)

about ourselves and weave new narratives

that reflect the women we are now, and want to be.

Hi, I’m Bronwyn.

As a writer and certified Change & Transition facilitator, my passion is to help women navigate life with insight, joy and intention.

Working 1:1 or in workshop retreats, I create safe and supportive spaces in which women use the powerful tools of guided writing and creativity to reconnect with who they are beneath the many roles they play in life.

But, it’s always so much more than that!

I love it when they go from feeling stuck, anxious or overwhelmed to discovering new insight and meaning so that they can move forward with clarity and confidence. And joy. Always joy!

How can I help you?

  • Clarity Conversations

    Whether you are facing a change in your career, life circumstance or season, there are times when you just need someone to talk it all through with.

  • Group Workshops

    There’s something special that happens when a group of like-minded women come together in a supportive space with the shared hope of self-discovery and growth.